Tuesday, November 02, 2004


hm...here's another blog.. it/s the 1st of november.. a new month.. i cant belv how the year is almost up!!! well, i came across 1 of my notebooks ... it spoke abt my TO DO list and my dreams... turns out where i was in march 2004 is where i am today as well!!!! pretty idiotic if u ask me!!!

well, the new friendships are not working out the way i would like them too... but lets see what happens!!! i still have a lil hope..

well, as far as my findg etc is concerned well.... nothing on the web..and tho' i hv some no.s hvnt got arnd to calling them up n cheking em out.

its amazing, but frm all quarters the same msg seems to b coming across... STUDy..STUDY... well so i am going to do my homework and definitely start something soon....!!!!!
well, everyone suggested i hunt online... but i cant find anything that fits my needs...hmm......probably the newspaper might work out...

what else.... oh yeah.... the good stuff::::
i am ready to move on frm this workplace..i am no longer emotionally attached... well it is lesstening!!!!
i bought these amazing books...1 which was way too interesting and this other 1 that i have bn looking for for ages n ages now... feels great to finally have bought them ... though...i have already overshoot by budget fr this mnth!!!!
i bought a pair of walking shoes... so, now i will hopefully walk atleast a few times a week!!!!!
i have finally given to CRY for a kid... i hv bn wanting to help out fr soo long.. .n well its good that finally i have bn able to give too.....

Aha......n now the resolutions for NOVEMBER:
No smoking
No drinking
going to try n bring exercise into my routine

thats abt it fr the 1st day of the mnth... lets see how it shapes up......

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