Sunday, February 17, 2008

16 & 17 Feb

I have had a busy weekend so far, and if it hadnt been for work today - I would have probably been out all day attenting programs... I realised, all these 'programs' have a purpose, message or some progress they are trying to establish, and so 1 must spend atleast a few thoughts reflecting on the event.... I will henceforth, attempt to THINK about the things i do, the places i go, the programs i watch - and observe my reflections! surely, there is much to be learnt from everything!!!

Even to dislike something or like something - to have an opinion - you must experience it - only then is your Opinion genuine & rightfully yours to share & not just based on hearsay!

Friday, February 15, 2008

15 Feb

I have observed & experienced - energy is a communicable disease!
I come into work all awake and see people sprawled on their chairs, and a few hours later thats the pose i am in too - - being around sleepy ppl makes me sleepy... even thought i have slept my whole 8 hours!

It is true, life passes you by while you are busy with meanigless tasks & obsessions.... we participate sometimes in conversations that lead no where, which are forgotten sooner than the echo of the last sentence!
We become so comfortable in the known that we dont even realise when we become when 1 is bored should'nt 1 be actually looking at branching out....

Note to self: Nothing will be served on a platter....silver or not!